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Archive for the ‘International’ Category

Council Of Europe Will Investigate “Faked” Swine Flu Pandemic

Posted by Casey on January 21, 2010

Day 39/365 "H1N1"

Image by Michael Desmarais via Flickr

I have been saying for a very long time that the bird flu, and more recently, swine flu pandemics were falsified in order to get new laws, money, and power in place.  As a result, thousands of innocent victims were given experimental vaccines that ended up having harmful side effects.

There have only been a few, who aren’t registered members of conspiracy kooks quarterly, that have shared my thoughts on this matter.

Much like all the evidence proves man-made global warming is a fraud, all the evidence clearly points to an orchestrated effort to instill panic on the swine flu.  The CDC even inadvertently admitted that they were fudging numbers, and fear-mongering on swine flu.

Now, finally, an major international organization is going to investigate this fraud upon the world’s citizens.  The Council of Europe will investigate the “faked pandemic” to get to the bottom of this farce.  To learn more about the Council of Europe … go here.  They are basically a local European United Nations, and they are legit.

In order to promote their patented drugs and vaccines against flu, pharmaceutical companies influenced scientists and official agencies, responsible for public health standards to alarm governments worldwide and make them squander tight health resources for inefficient vaccine strategies and needlessly expose millions of healthy people to the risk of an unknown amount of side-effects of insufficiently tested vaccines.
The “birds-flu”-campaign (2005/06) combined with the “swine-flu”-campaign seem to have caused a great deal of damage not only to some vaccinated patients and to public health-budgets, but to the credibility and accountability of important international health-agencies.

The Council of Europe and its member-states should ask for immediate investigations and consequences on their national levels as well as on the international level.

The definition of an alarming pandemic must not be under the influence of drug-sellers.

Was the drug industry partly responsible for this farce?  Yes, but there is a great point being missed here.  So were the governments who took part.  They weren’t scammed or tricked.  They help orchestrate this whole pandemic in order to pass new laws that bi-passed current law in order to maintain ‘public safety.’

Here’s a couple examples if you don’t believe me:

I’d like to take this moment to reflect on the health care debate.  If the drug companies are the enemy, and we need the federal government to keep them in check, then why is a prominent international council of nations investigating the influence of those same drug companies upon those same governments?  It seems the government is more, not less, susceptible to the influence of big pharma than the private sector.

When in April 2009 some hundred normal influenza cases in Mexico City were rashly announced to be the beginning of a threatening new pandemic, there was little scientific evidence for this judgement. Nevertheless a large and immediate word-wide agenda setting process started and was eagerly spread by alarmist media and formally legitimized by pandemic-defining WHO, the agency, which is our global epidemiological watchdog and task-force.

Nevertheless we have to observe, that a faked “swine-flu”- pandemic is still used for marketing risky vaccines.

The victims among millions of needlessly vaccinated people must be protected by their states and independent scientific clarification should provide evidence and transparency for national and -if necessary- European courts.

After we discovered that seasonal flu was far more deadly than swine flu in the US, this screams of a blatant fraud upon the people.  Go get ‘em on this.

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Posted in Conspiracy, Corruption, Government, Great Discovery, Hard-Hitting Journalism, Health care, Human Rights, International, Media, Medical, MSM Lies, Politics, Science, Truth | Tagged: , , , , , , | 2 Comments »

Ahmadinejad: Obama must choose between Israel and Iran | Iranian – Iran News | Jerusalem Post

Posted by Casey on November 11, 2009

Iranian President Mahmoud...

The jihadi world is making a go at picking America’s friends. Will the ‘O’ listen?

Jerusalem Post:

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called on the US to choose between Israel and Iran on Tuesday night, according to Iranian state media.

Speaking in Istanbul at the 25th Session of the Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation (COMCEC) of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, the Iranian president said that it was up to US President Barack Obama to illustrate his motto of “change”.

“The support of both Israel and Iran can’t go hand in hand,” he was quoted as saying by IRNA. “No change is made unless great choices are made.

“We would welcome the changes, and wait for big and correct decisions to be made… We will clasp any hand that is extended sincerely toward us, but changes should be made in practice.”

Addressing the same conference a day earlier, Ahmadinejad said that capitalist excesses caused the global economic meltdown and were un-Islamic, as leaders at a Muslim forum touted their religion’s banking system a way to revive battered economies.

Tried telling you all the jihadis were socialist.

Posted in Hate, Human Rights, International, Iran, Israel, obama, Palestine, Politics, Religion, Terrorism | Comments Off on Ahmadinejad: Obama must choose between Israel and Iran | Iranian – Iran News | Jerusalem Post

Olympic Protesters Are ‘Terrorists’ Now.

Posted by Casey on November 6, 2009

Man, they are doing everything they can to erase the true meaning of words aren’t they? It would seem that some people in the world will call anyone a terrorist except for actual terrorists.

Victoria News:

People who protest the Winter Olympics are nothing more than “terrorists” with “limited intellect,” Liberal Burquitlam MLA Harry Bloy said in the legislature Monday.

Bloy’s comments come in support of a private member’s bill motion by Richmond Centre MLA Rob Howard to welcome the Olympic torch to B.C., and recognize the unprecedented economic opportunity the Winter Olympics and Paralympics will bring.

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Even The Nobel Jury Can’t Defend Obama’s Peace Prize

Posted by Casey on October 13, 2009

WASHINGTON - OCTOBER 09:  U.S. President Barac...
Image by Getty Images via Daylife

Anyone with the mental capacity above a 5 year old knows this Nobel business was nonsense.  Non of my Democrat friends have even tried to defend Obama’s non-award award.  Quite the opposite actually … even they are searching for examples of why Obama would qualify for such an award.  This may actually be even more ludicrous than Gore’s Nobel award … almost.

So what did the Nobel jury responsible for giving Obama the award do to defend their decision?  Very little.

Asked to comment on the uproar following Friday’s announcement, four members of the five-seat panel told The Associated Press that they had expected the decision to generate both surprise and criticism.

Three of them rejected the notion that Obama hadn’t accomplished anything to deserve the award, while the fourth declined to answer that question. A fifth member didn’t answer calls seeking comment.

“We simply disagree that he has done nothing,” committee chairman Thorbjoern Jagland told the AP on Tuesday. “He got the prize for what he has done.”

Ok then … what has he done?

Jagland singled out Obama’s efforts to heal the divide between the West and the Muslim world and scale down a Bush-era proposal for an anti-missile shield in Europe.

“All these things have contributed to – I wouldn’t say a safer world – but a world with less tension,” Jagland said

Ok, let’s evaluate this shall we?

The Nobel jury knew this was going to be a controversial decision.  Which means they fully understood that Obama is not viewed as someone who is deserving of this award.  Yet they gave it to him anyway.

One of them declined to answer a direct question as to what Obama had done to deserve the award.  Which means he was either forced into voting for Obama, or it was purely motivated by his own personal politics.

The other three believe Obama was deserving for a couple of reasons.

Healing the divide between the West and Muslim worlds was cited as one reason.  So how exactly has he done that?  None of our former enemies in the Muslim world are on any better terms than they were under Bush.  In fact, you can make a solid argument that things with Iran are much worse now than they were under Bush with Obama’s latest (and justified) verbal lashing of Iran’s nuclear program and the sanctions that followed.

I haven’t seen any evidence of the Muslim world being more accepting of the US because of Obama.  As I said before, none of our former enemies is on better terms with us because of Obama.  Several of our allies are on far worse terms now with Obama.  Canada, Turkey, Israel, Honduras, Columbia, and all of Eastern Europe to name a few.

Which leads me to the second issue the Nobel jury said qualified Obama for the Nobel Peace Prize … the missile shield.

Abandoning our allies’ safety and violating treaties and agreements with our friends is apparently a trait coveted by the modern Nobel committee.  How exactly is not coming to the aid of a weaker nation who has asked for our assistence to keep flaming missiles from raining down on their heads a qualifier for the Peace Prize?

The worst part was when Jagland admitted that Obama’s actions hadn’t at all made the world safer … just released some tension.

So pissing off our friends, not mending fences with our enemies, and leaving our weaker allies to hang out and dry against very curious opposition to missile defense while at the same time carrying on virtually the same policy as Bush in the War on Terror with no success in making the world safer is what gets you the Nobel Peace Prize these days?

We used to call that failure … now it gets you an award.

But liberating millions of people, fighting the enemies of the civilzed world, and having a net reduction in murders in the nations in which we are doing those things didn’t qualify the previous president?  I’m not even advocating Bush should have won the award, but at least show some common sense in the process.

The Peace Prize is no longer about making a safe world, but rather making a “world with less tension” … justice be damned.

Jagland asked who had done more in the previous year for the development of peace than Barack Obama.

CBS News had a crap load of suggestions earlier this month.  Like everyone else … Obama wasn’t even on their radar.

After CBS went over the profiles of several potentials for the Peace Prize, and the reasons they likely would not win (which involved political retribution for challenging China) … they got to their suggestion.  Frankly, I think they hit it on the head.

Another top candidate is Colombian senator Piedad Cordoba, tapped by CNN as the frontrunner; Cordoba, the head of Colombians for Peace, has tried to end the conflict between her country’s government and the rebel Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. She has secured the release of 16 hostages and was kidnapped herself in 1999; critics have complained, however, that she is too close to rebels.

Cordoba has done more in the past year to prevent an actual war than Obama.

Or how about Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad of Jordan.  He’s an Islamic scholar who is a leading proponent of interfaith dialogue.  He led an effort in 2005 called the “theological counter-attack against terrorism.”

Prince Ghazi has done more to bridge the gap between the Western and Muslim worlds than Obama has.

That’s just two candidates that met the Nobel jury’s qualifications for Obama, but exceeded Obama’s contributions.

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White House To Celebrate Communism In China

Posted by Casey on September 4, 2009

BEIJING - AUGUST 08:  Basketball player Yao Mi...
Image by Getty Images via Daylife


The White House has issued a statement that this story is incorrect. China’s flag will not be hoisted on the White House lawn, but will instead be hoisted across the street.

Unfortunately, the White House waited almost a week to respond to the story. Had they acted sooner they would have been able to prevent the justifiable outrage.

The report set off howls of protest on the internet and among conservative talk show hosts, who failed to get confirmation from the White House before airing their complaints.

Again, it was the White House who didn’t respond to the news report. The notion that bloggers or conservative talk show host could have contacted the White House for confirmation is laughable at best.

Stunned, shocked, in disbelief … all things you would have been if this were to happen under most of America’s presidents, but not this one.

Imagine the White House lawn flying China’s flag. Not because of an invasion, not because it is flying with the flags of several nations for some major event. No, the White House will fly China’s flag to celebrate 60 years of communism.

China Daily:

The national flag of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) will be hoisted at the South Lawn of the White House in Washington on September 20, media reported Sunday.

Chinese associations in the United States had applied to hold a ceremony in front of the US President’s residence to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of PRC.

Chen Ronghua, chairman of Fujian Association of the United States, told reporters that their application was approved not only because of the sound Sino-US relations but also because China is a responsible country.

“Many Americans admire China due to the success of last year’s Beijing Olympics,” said Chen.

If that’s true that Americans admire China simply because they pulled off the Olympics while effectively hiding anything embarrassing … we have regressed as a society.

China is a responsible country eh? Tell that to the Hans, and the tens of thousands of protests China’s government is dealing with every year.

By nightfall authorities had cordoned off the city center, blocking intersections with patrol cars, and disconnected mobile phone text messaging services. Paramilitary police with shields, sticks and submachine guns sealed off People’s Square, where demonstrators had shouted down politicians. About 100 green trucks parked on the plaza.

The resort to mass demonstrations to air grievances is likely to further unnerve the Chinese leadership — already grappling with tens of thousands of increasingly large and violent protests every year — just as it prepares for a nationwide celebration of 60 years of communist rule on Oct. 1.

The fact that the United States capital will be flying a foreign flag to celebrate communism is flat out sickening to any true American. Yes, I just said that. The fact that they’ll be doing it at the same time our president and congress are trying to implement some of the communist values to be celebrated at the White House is just damn demoralizing.


PUMA has more.

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Posted in Communism, Conspiracy, Democrats, Government, Idiots, International, obama, Outrage, Sad, Traitors | Tagged: , , , , | 12 Comments »

1 Million Brits Abused By Health Care

Posted by Casey on August 27, 2009

Remember the British woman that was turned away from the hospital while in labor twice, or that nearly half of Britain’s maternity units turned women away while in labor, or that 4000 British women were forced to give birth in hallways or toilets because they were turned away?

I could go on, but you get the point.

Now a report has been released in Britain showing that 1 million patients received “cruel and neglectful” care.

The Patients Association said the dossier proves that while the scale of the scandal at Mid-Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust – where up to 1,200 people died through failings in urgent care – was a one off, there are repeated examples they have uncovered of the same appalling standards throughout the NHS.

While the criticisms cover all aspects of hospital care, the treatment and attitude of nurses stands out as a repeated theme across almost all of the cases.

Just ignore that 1,200 people dying because of substandard care bit. Move along now.

The Patients Association said one hospital had threatened it with legal action if it chose to publish the material.

Pamela Goddard, a piano teacher from Bletchingley, in Surrey, was 82 and suffering with cancer but was left in her own excrement and her condition deteriorated due to her bed sores.

Florence Weston, from Sedgley in the West Midlands, died aged 85 and had to remain without food or water for several days as her hip operation was repeated cancelled.

It should be noted that, like in this country, this organization has no proof it was a million patients. They are extrapolating the evidence they have, and applying it to the whole population. There’s a very real chance they are wrong.

One of the British officials critical of this report said it highlighted only 2% of people who thought their care was unacceptable. I have been unable to find a poll not conducted by the British government who duplicates that number. Like the US and Canada, Britain seems to have roughly 50% of the population who is happy.

If we all have roughly the same number of people satisfied with their health care … why change?

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Carbon Tariffs = Imperialism

Posted by Casey on July 26, 2009

Take it from those who know, and have been through it before … Germany.


Germany called a French idea to slap “carbon tariffs” on products from countries that are not trying to cut greenhouse gases a form of “eco-imperialism” and a direct violation of WTO rules.

The issue of greenhouse tariffs has met bitter opposition from developing countries such as China and India, who count on the developed world to buy their exports as they build their economies in the face of the worst financial crisis in decades.

Matthias Machnig, Germany’s State Secretary for the Environment, told a news briefing on Friday that a French push for Europe to impose carbon tariffs on imports from countries that flout rules on carbon emissions would send the wrong signal to the international community.

Take it from those who know.

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Military Dismisses/Belittles N. Korea Threats

Posted by Casey on June 27, 2009

Map of North Korea
Image via Wikipedia

Remember when the Army said they could kick N. Korea’s ass right now if need be?  Yeah, they still have that same stance.

The Pentagon shrugged off a threat from North Korea Wednesday to wipe the United States off the map.

“I don’t even know how to respond to that. It’s silliness,” said Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell.”For what and with what?


Suck on that Kimmy!

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Iranian Approval Of US Drops 5% Since Obama Was Elected

Posted by Casey on June 8, 2009

It’s close to the margin of error I mind you. However, best case scenario is that Obama has done nothing to make hostile nations like us. Worst case scenario is that he’s actually pissed them off more.

It’s bad enough that he continues to anger most of our allies, most notably Israel, but to accomplish nothing with our enemies is in a league of its own.

clipped from
A rare poll of Iranians says that few of them have favorable opinions of the United States, a view that hasn’t changed much from before the election of President Barack Obama.The survey, taken last month, shows that 29 percent of Iranians view the U.S. positively. In February 2008, a similar poll of Iranians showed 34 percent with favorable views of the U.S.

But at the same time, support in both surveys remains strong for democratic institutions like free elections and a free press.

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D-Day: 65 Years Ago … We Saved The World

Posted by Casey on June 6, 2009

D-Day: The Normandy Invasion
Image by via Flickr

Allied dead still not known, but estimated between 2,500-5,000.

Total allied casualties were roughly 10,000.

Civilian deaths are estimated to be around 19,000.

According to the D-Day Museum Allied air forces lost nearly 12,000 men in April and May 1944 in operations ahead of the invasion.

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