Needs of the Many

Bring Your Lies & Half-Truths … I Will Destroy Them

Archive for February, 2008

RIP William F. Buckley Jr.

Posted by Casey on February 27, 2008

It’s a sad day indeed. I don’t even have the energy to go over to Huffington to see the hateful things they are most likely saying about him. No doubt the comments are closed over there, because that’s how they hide what has actually been said. If you want you can look at the cached page on Google to see the comments.


William F. Buckley Jr., the erudite Ivy Leaguer and conservative herald who showered huge and scornful words on liberalism as he observed, abetted and cheered on the right’s post-World War II rise from the fringes to the White House, died Wednesday. He was 82.

His assistant Linda Bridges said Buckley was found dead by his cook at his home in Stamford, Conn. The cause of death was unknown, but he had been ill with emphysema, she said.

I wish all of his loved ones the best.

Posted in Sad | 1 Comment »

RIP William F. Buckley Jr.

Posted by Casey on February 27, 2008

It’s a sad day indeed. I don’t even have the energy to go over to Huffington to see the hateful things they are most likely saying about him. No doubt the comments are closed over there, because that’s how they hide what has actually been said. If you want you can look at the cached page on Google to see the comments.


William F. Buckley Jr., the erudite Ivy Leaguer and conservative herald who showered huge and scornful words on liberalism as he observed, abetted and cheered on the right’s post-World War II rise from the fringes to the White House, died Wednesday. He was 82.

His assistant Linda Bridges said Buckley was found dead by his cook at his home in Stamford, Conn. The cause of death was unknown, but he had been ill with emphysema, she said.

I wish all of his loved ones the best.

Posted in General | Comments Off on RIP William F. Buckley Jr.

Global Warming Is Officially Over, Suck It Greenies!

Posted by Casey on February 27, 2008

Like I’ve been saying for years now (along with several others), mankind did not cause global warming, and mankind has not curbed global warming either. If you listen to Al Gore and his ilk you know that, according to them, man has not done anything to improve the environment … so don’t let them try to take credit here.

No doubt there will be wide spread panic tomorrow in the greenie community to counter this evidence. Their tactic will likely include widespread suppression of the issue by ignoring it. One might think they would try to discredit this info, but they simply can’t. The satellite data is nothing new at all, but the greenies ignored it several other times it was published. The greenies have also never responded to NASA’s repeated attempts to explain that the sun is the cause of global warming not only here, but on virtually every other planet … not humans. Why? The answer is simple … they can’t counter the argument, and if they ignore it the idiots out there will never know it even happened. They’ve also paid no attention to scientists telling everyone that the planet’s temperature has fluctuated for the past 10,000 years naturally, and without our help. Hell, even the dinosaurs were the victims of global warming.

I’ve been celebrating all day now that I know that global warming is officially over.

Over the past year, anecdotal evidence for a cooling planet has exploded. China has its coldest winter in 100 years. Baghdad sees its first snow in all recorded history. North America has the most snowcover in 50 years, with places like Wisconsin the highest since record-keeping began. Record levels of Antarctic sea ice, record cold in Minnesota, Texas, Florida, Mexico, Australia, Iran, Greece, South Africa, Greenland, Argentina, Chile — the list goes on and on.

No more than anecdotal evidence, to be sure. But now, that evidence has been supplanted by hard scientific fact. All four major global temperature tracking outlets (Hadley, NASA’s GISS, UAH, RSS) have released updated data. All show that over the past year, global temperatures have dropped precipitously.

A compiled list of all the sources can be seen here. The total amount of cooling ranges from 0.65C up to 0.75C — a value large enough to wipe out nearly all the warming recorded over the past 100 years. All in one year’s time. For all four sources, it’s the single fastest temperature change ever recorded, either up or down.

I guess the founder of the Weather Channel was right about global warming being a crock eh? This does explain why scientist have been so baffled, and humbled, by the current weather patterns being so cold.

Scientists quoted in a past DailyTech article link the cooling to reduced solar activity which they claim is a much larger driver of climate change than man-made greenhouse gases. The dramatic cooling seen in just 12 months time seems to bear that out. While the data doesn’t itself disprove that carbon dioxide is acting to warm the planet, it does demonstrate clearly that more powerful factors are now cooling it.

As it turns out, NASA was right after all. Gee, who’d have thunk it.

Rest assured my little greenie friends … the article still spells out doom for our planet because apparently cold is worse than heat. Which means you still have a cause to fight for by simply reverting back to the 1970’s mantra that the planet was headed for a deep freeze, and then when it begins to warm again you can restart the cause of global warming. So you see, there is plenty to keep you occupied with. Problem is if global warming is less of an issue than global cooling … maybe global warming was never a really big deal to begin with.

The way I see it, we need to make some changes, and start recognizing some basic truths.

Even though the US is performing better than the Kyoto countries in reducing carbon emissions we have a golden opportunity to squash the competition by removing all of our climate change restrictions on private business. Furthermore, since we know that carbon credits are a huge scam, that is stealing millions of dollars from the world’s populations, we should put an end to these illegal businesses. We should also make sure that Kyoto is properly investigated for causing economic hardships, and needlessly destroying the world’s forests.

It is also time that we launch massive investigation into the scientific community to find out which scientist continued to lie and manipulate data about global warming in order to get funding. You should already know the huge amounts of money involved with supporting global warming arguments through funding (over $80 billion). While we are punishing those scientist who have lied about global warming in order to get money … we should reward the majority of published scientist that were honest by saying man is not responsible, or that there was not enough evidence to say either way. Less than half of published scientist support man-made global warming, so the investigation should go fairly quick.

It’s also time that we accept polar bears are not in danger, and in fact are increasing their populations. However, we must be concerned with sea otters. It’s time to save the poor little sea otters!

We should also consider not blaming our innocent children for destroying the planet. They have enough on their plate, and they deserve to get a good night’s sleep without having nightmares about dieing in the middle of the night because of global warming. At least 6th graders are smart enough to know that man isn’t causing global warming. Can you say the same?

We can also buy ourselves some nice SUVs without feeling guilty, and we no longer have to worry about sports cars being outlawed. Why not start eating Ben & Jerry’s ice cream again while driving your new SUV. Since we don’t have to worry about global warming anymore … ice cream is safe. Well, not entirely safe … they still have hidden soy products to slowly kill children and men.

It’s a good thing global warming ended when it did so we don’t have to worry about mercury poisoning with the CFL bulbs that congress keeps trying to shove down our throat. Whew, that was a close call. Now we can hold off until the even more energy efficient, and perfectly safe, LED bulbs hit the market in mass.

There have been some serious budget issue with regards to global warming that we don’t need to worry about anymore either. Those new emissions standards that may ruin America’s auto industry won’t be necessary any longer. The military and intelligence community can also continue to focus on defending the country and fighting the war on terror without worrying about conducting war games to test how global warming will affect national security.

John Travolta can also stick around on Earth to entertain us with his acting,which is quite good, rather than going to another planet.

One of the best parts of global warming ending is that the UN will finally address the real issues that are causing the genocide in Darfur. Rather than wasting their time trying to tie Darfur to nonsensical theories. The conflict in Darfur predates the United States, it was not caused by global warming.

So you see, there is some work to be done now that global warming is no more. The predators who have preyed upon gullible people need to be punished, and those who stuck up for us rewarded. Even if it’s only a thank you, but some funding for their research would be nice. The American people stand to get a windfall in money that the government no longer needs for climate change programs. We can only wait to see how our government will spend that money, but rest assured we won’t get it back. My only hope is that it goes for truly necessary programs like veterans assistance, or a super dooper death ray mounted in space to evaporate our enemies. At a bare minimum I hope the money we save, from these now unnecessary programs, will be enough to cover the massive costs of the social programs Hillary and Obama have proposed, because I fear one of them will be president and we don’t have the money to cover those programs.

Posted in Al Gore, Carbon Credits, Conspiracy, Cool, Global Warming, Greenies, Truth | Comments Off on Global Warming Is Officially Over, Suck It Greenies!

The 10 Worst NFL Uniforms, & The 5 Best.

Posted by Casey on February 24, 2008

There are several of these lists floating around online, and know doubt you’ve read a few yourself. Everyone has an opinion, and that is just what this is … MY opinion. After reading list after list and disagreeing with other people’s opinions … I figured I would publish my own list. For the purpose of this post I will focus on the home uniforms mostly used by the teams. I also won’t pay any attention to throwbacks or alternates because they are only used sparingly.

Please feel free to include your list in the comments below.

10 Worst NFL Uniforms

10: Detroit Lions

The Lions have made a vast improvement over their old unis with their current threads, but they still leave something to be desired. While not “ugly” they could use some further tweaking, and have the potential to be a world class uniform. It also may be time for an upgrade of the logo. It should be noted that the new black jersey is fantastic. Perhaps the Lions should look at adding a little more black highlights to compliment their blue.

9: Minnesota Vikings

Yet another victim of “better than before, but still not good enough.” The Vikings are on the right track, but I have no idea what they can do to make those unis better. They may be the victim of their purple/yellow combo. At least the Ravens have a sinister purple/black scheme.

8: Buffalo Bills

Now this is a shame. The Bills have a great color scheme. It doesn’t get much better than red, white, and blue after all. The problem is they don’t put them together well. First of all, the solid dark works for many teams … just not the Bills. Second, the helmet flat out sucks ass.

7: Oakland Raiders

This one is a little strange for me because I like black. I also like silver, and I like the two of them together. The Raiders just look unfinished to me. I wouldn’t propose any major changes, but I’d add some details to give the Raiders a more finished look. I’d also make sure they change their logo.

I think it’s about time the drastic logo change gets done. Seriously, does the Raiders logo accurately represent a raider, or the Raiders’ attitude? Of course it doesn’t. If you were at sea and the raider who was trying to rob you looked like the Raiders’ logo you’d be less worried about them stabbing you in the stomach, and more worried about them stabbing you in the ass … if you know what I mean. It’s time to give the Black Hole a worthy logo.

6: Kansas City Chiefs

I’ll admit that I have a problem with red helmets paired with red jerseys, and that’s probably the main reason I’ve never liked the Chiefs uniforms. I really don’t have anything more than that to add. I just don’t care for them.

5: Tennessee Titans

Another case of I just don’t like them. I didn’t care for the oilers before them, and I don’t care for the Titans now. I think it’s the helmet … which is hideous. I give mad props to the Titans though because they are one of the few teams that will invest in several different uniforms to keep it fresh. I wish all teams did that.

4: Indianapolis Colts

I’ve run into several other lists like this online that love the Colts’ uniforms. My question is … why? If there was ever a too minimalist approach to a sports uniform this is it. Yes the Colts unis are classic, and that should be respected. However, you can have a classic look while still having a modern uniform.

Their uniforms remind me of one thing … pee wee football. This is exactly the uniform you get when you are a kid. It’s time for the Colts to grow up.

3: San Fransisco 49ers

I have never been a fan of the 49ers’ uniforms … even when Montana was hitting Rice and making history. I despise the red/gold combo, but the white pants sometimes worn are a step in the right direction. Are the 49ers a professional football team, or a poorly wrapped Christmas present?

2: Miami Dolphins

The Dolphins uniforms should be San Fransisco’s uniforms. It’s hard to imagine a uniform that better represents fruit than these. At least Florida has a lot of citrus crops to take the fall as the inspiration for this utterly dismal design. I’ve seen other lists make fun of the Seahawks’ sea foam color while ignoring the Dolphins far more offensive aqua. Nothing screams toughness like aqua.

Does anyone else find it odd that the Dolphins logo is tougher looking than the Raiders’?

I have good news for Dolphins fans, and the rest of us forced to burn our retinas on these eyesores … there are rumors that the dolphins are going to change their unis this upcoming season. Many are speculating that they will announce this at the draft. Dear God let’s hope so.

Finally, here it is … the ugliest uniform in the NFL.

1: Cleveland Browns

I’ve noticed a strange correlation between the other lists online, and the Browns being listed as one of the best NFL uniforms. I smell a conspiracy among Browns fans. After decades of the Browns uniforms being universally acknowledged as the ugliest in the NFL, Browns fans are fighting back. Good for them, but that doesn’t change the undeniable horridness of their uniforms.

To make matters worse, the Browns had a free pass for a do over when they moved to Baltimore. Hell, the first thing the Ravens did was shed the ugly unis of their past. When the fans of Cleveland demanded the Browns come back … they succeeded. A perfect opportunity to design a new uniform that would be respected by fans around the league was squandered as the Cleveland Browns went back to the old and ugly uniforms of yesteryear. I can remember have many discussions with fellow fans who were also stunned that the Browns brought back the crap colored uniforms. The reason the Browns are number 1 for the ugliest uniform in the NFL is blatantly obvious … they can only be described as repugnant.

There you have my 10 worst NFL uniforms list, but what about the 5 best? You’ll find my list of the 5 best uniforms in the NFL below.

Top 5 NFL Uniforms

5: Atlanta Falcons

The Falcons have had a history of so so uniforms. They went with red … they went with black … finally, someone suggested to put red and black together while using white as a buffer between the two. This novel idea took the Falcons into the 21st century as far as uniforms go. Everything about the new threads is better than the past, and they look good when they take the field.

4: Seattle Seahawks

I’ve seen several list who hate the new Seahawks unis, but seriously … come on! There are more than 8 colors in the world to use on a uniform, but anytime a team shows some originality people freak out. Not only are the Seahawks uniforms infinitely better than anything they’ve ever had, but they accurately represent the pacific northwest that the Seahawks call home.

The sea foam, green, white, and blue all complement each other to make a great looking original uniform. The Seahawks look sharp in a uniform that hasn’t been ripped off from any other team, and that accurately represents their home … few teams can say that.

3: Houston Texans

Now this team looks sharp! Finally an expansion team that got their uniforms right. I can’t say enough about the Texans’ uniforms … the color combo, number of uniforms, stellar logo, and a perfect blend of modern and traditional style make them one of my hands down favorites in all of sports.

The Texans took their uniforms seriously when they entered the NFL, and it shows. Not only does it show in the colors, but the logo says a lot about how proud that organization is. Virtually all modern expansion teams have bad logos. Just look at the Ravens, Panthers, Titans and Jaguars to see what I mean. The Texans straight up look good!

2: Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Tampa Bay used to have the honor of ugliest uniforms with their old tangerine jerseys. People used to make fun of the Bucs because they looked like girls even though the tangerine is a hell of a lot more manly than aqua. A little while back Tampa got sick and tired of being the laughing stock of the NFL, and they went as far away from “fruity” as possible. Tampa Bay wanted their new look to strike fear in their opponents. They wanted to be the bully now, and they succeeded on both counts.

It was instantaneous that the Bucs became a new team the moment they got their new uniforms. Perhaps they had designed a uniform that intimidated their opponents. Of the two pirate teams in the NFL, only the Bucs truly represent the savage nature of a pirate. As with the Seahawks, the Bucs branched out from the traditional 8 colors for their uniforms, and went with a pewter. Some may say that the Bucs look like the 49ers (and we all know how much I hate the 49ers’ uniforms), but if you think that … you are a dink. The Bucs have a truly original uniform that accurately represents their mascot, and the historical heritage of the waters of their coast.

A pirate is not a pirate without a jolly roger flag, and the Bucs were wise to put on their helmets. Pirates need a symbol that lets everyone know that they mean business, and that they are truly vicious pirates … not butt pirates (listen up Oakland). For originality, colors, accurate representation, and a menacing look … the Bucs are second on my list.

The best looking uniform in the NFL is …

1: Chicago Bears

I’ll admit I’m biased because I’m a die hard Bears fan, but I’m not biased like Browns fans in that I’m not delusional enough to say my team’s uniforms are the best simply because they are my team. No, the Bears are universally acknowledged to have one of the best uniforms in the NFL, and even all of professional sports. Most lists have the Bears in the top 3. So it isn’t a stretch at all to put them at number one.

Bear blue is not only original, but it is timeless as well. The Bears have found a way to maintain their traditional look throughout the decades while still keeping the team looking fresh and new. If only the Colts would pay attention to this process. The Bears’ uniform has changed little over the years, but they have been great at “tweaking” their timeless look to keep up with modern style. This talent has kept the Bears’ uniforms one of most liked by football fans for decades. I would like to see the Bears branch out a little in an alternate design, but I never want them to get rid of their classic look. It isn’t just these great points that make the Bears’ uniforms my favorite, but the fact that they honor “Papa Bear” himself George Stanley Halas on their sleeves by imprinting GSH. Now that is classy.

Posted in Sports | 20 Comments »

The 10 Worst NFL Uniforms, & The 5 Best.

Posted by Casey on February 24, 2008

There are several of these lists floating around online, and know doubt you’ve read a few yourself. Everyone has an opinion, and that is just what this is … MY opinion. After reading list after list and disagreeing with other people’s opinions … I figured I would publish my own list. For the purpose of this post I will focus on the home uniforms mostly used by the teams. I also won’t pay any attention to throwbacks or alternates because they are only used sparingly.

Please feel free to include your list in the comments below.

10 Worst NFL Uniforms

10: Detroit Lions

The Lions have made a vast improvement over their old unis with their current threads, but they still leave something to be desired. While not “ugly” they could use some further tweaking, and have the potential to be a world class uniform. It also may be time for an upgrade of the logo. It should be noted that the new black jersey is fantastic. Perhaps the Lions should look at adding a little more black highlights to compliment their blue.

9: Minnesota Vikings

Yet another victim of “better than before, but still not good enough.” The Vikings are on the right track, but I have no idea what they can do to make those unis better. They may be the victim of their purple/yellow combo. At least the Ravens have a sinister purple/black scheme.

8: Buffalo Bills

Now this is a shame. The Bills have a great color scheme. It doesn’t get much better than red, white, and blue after all. The problem is they don’t put them together well. First of all, the solid dark works for many teams … just not the Bills. Second, the helmet flat out sucks ass.

7: Oakland Raiders

This one is a little strange for me because I like black. I also like silver, and I like the two of them together. The Raiders just look unfinished to me. I wouldn’t propose any major changes, but I’d add some details to give the Raiders a more finished look. I’d also make sure they change their logo.

I think it’s about time the drastic logo change gets done. Seriously, does the Raiders logo accurately represent a raider, or the Raiders’ attitude? Of course it doesn’t. If you were at sea and the raider who was trying to rob you looked like the Raiders’ logo you’d be less worried about them stabbing you in the stomach, and more worried about them stabbing you in the ass … if you know what I mean. It’s time to give the Black Hole a worthy logo.

6: Kansas City Chiefs

I’ll admit that I have a problem with red helmets paired with red jerseys, and that’s probably the main reason I’ve never liked the Chiefs uniforms. I really don’t have anything more than that to add. I just don’t care for them.

5: Tennessee Titans

Another case of I just don’t like them. I didn’t care for the oilers before them, and I don’t care for the Titans now. I think it’s the helmet … which is hideous. I give mad props to the Titans though because they are one of the few teams that will invest in several different uniforms to keep it fresh. I wish all teams did that.

4: Indianapolis Colts

I’ve run into several other lists like this online that love the Colts’ uniforms. My question is … why? If there was ever a too minimalist approach to a sports uniform this is it. Yes the Colts unis are classic, and that should be respected. However, you can have a classic look while still having a modern uniform.

Their uniforms remind me of one thing … pee wee football. This is exactly the uniform you get when you are a kid. It’s time for the Colts to grow up.

3: San Fransisco 49ers

I have never been a fan of the 49ers’ uniforms … even when Montana was hitting Rice and making history. I despise the red/gold combo, but the white pants sometimes worn are a step in the right direction. Are the 49ers a professional football team, or a poorly wrapped Christmas present?

2: Miami Dolphins

The Dolphins uniforms should be San Fransisco’s uniforms. It’s hard to imagine a uniform that better represents fruit than these. At least Florida has a lot of citrus crops to take the fall as the inspiration for this utterly dismal design. I’ve seen other lists make fun of the Seahawks’ sea foam color while ignoring the Dolphins far more offensive aqua. Nothing screams toughness like aqua.

Does anyone else find it odd that the Dolphins logo is tougher looking than the Raiders’?

I have good news for Dolphins fans, and the rest of us forced to burn our retinas on these eyesores … there are rumors that the dolphins are going to change their unis this upcoming season. Many are speculating that they will announce this at the draft. Dear God let’s hope so.

Finally, here it is … the ugliest uniform in the NFL.

1: Cleveland Browns

I’ve noticed a strange correlation between the other lists online, and the Browns being listed as one of the best NFL uniforms. I smell a conspiracy among Browns fans. After decades of the Browns uniforms being universally acknowledged as the ugliest in the NFL, Browns fans are fighting back. Good for them, but that doesn’t change the undeniable horridness of their unifo

To make matters worse, the Browns had a free pass for a do over when they moved to Baltimore. Hell, the first thing the Ravens did was shed the ugly unis of their past. When the fans of Cleveland demanded the Browns come back … they succeeded. A perfect opportunity to design a new uniform that would be respected by fans around the league was squandered as the Cleveland Browns went back to the old and ugly uniforms of yesteryear. I can remember have many discussions with fellow fans who were also stunned that the Browns brought back the crap colored uniforms. The reason the Browns are number 1 for the ugliest uniform in the NFL is blatantly obvious … they can only be described as repugnant.

There you have my 10 worst NFL uniforms list, but what about the 5 best? You’ll find my list of the 5 best uniforms in the NFL below.

Top 5 NFL Uniforms

5: Atlanta Falcons

The Falcons have had a history of so so uniforms. They went with red … they went with black … finally, someone suggested to put red and black together while using white as a buffer between the two. This novel idea took the Falcons into the 21st century as far as uniforms go. Everything about the new threads is better than the past, and they look good when they take the field.

4: Seattle Seahawks

I’ve seen several list who hate the new Seahawks unis, but seriously … come on! There are more than 8 colors in the world to use on a uniform, but anytime a team shows some originality people freak out. Not only are the Seahawks uniforms infinitely better than anything they’ve ever had, but they accurately represent the pacific northwest that the Seahawks call home.

The sea foam, green, white, and blue all complement each other to make a great looking original uniform. The Seahawks look sharp in a uniform that hasn’t been ripped off from any other team, and that accurately represents their home … few teams can say that.

3: Houston Texans

Now this team looks sharp! Finally an expansion team that got their uniforms right. I can’t say enough about the Texans’ uniforms … the color combo, number of uniforms, stellar logo, and a perfect blend of modern and traditional style make them one of my hands down favorites in all of sports.

The Texans took their uniforms seriously when they entered the NFL, and it shows. Not only does it show in the colors, but the logo says a lot about how proud that organization is. Virtually all modern expansion teams have bad logos. Just look at the Ravens, Panthers, Titans and Jaguars to see what I mean. The Texans straight up look good!

2: Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Tampa Bay used to have the honor of ugliest uniforms with their old tangerine jerseys. People used to make fun of the Bucs because they looked like girls even though the tangerine is a hell of a lot more manly than aqua. A little while back Tampa got sick and tired of being the laughing stock of the NFL, and they went as far away from “fruity” as possible. Tampa Bay wanted their new look to strike fear in their opponents. They wanted to be the bully now, and they succeeded on both counts.

It was instantaneous that the Bucs became a new team the moment they got their new uniforms. Perhaps they had designed a uniform that intimidated their opponents. Of the two pirate teams in the NFL, only the Bucs truly represent the savage nature of a pirate. As with the Seahawks, the Bucs branched out from the traditional 8 colors for their uniforms, and went with a pewter. Some may say that the Bucs look like the 49ers (and we all know how much I hate the 49ers’ uniforms), but if you think that … you are a dink. The Bucs have a truly original uniform that accurately represents their mascot, and the historical heritage of the waters of their coast.

A pirate is not a pirate without a jolly roger flag, and the Bucs were wise to put on their helmets. Pirates need a symbol that lets everyone know that they mean business, and that they are truly vicious pirates … not butt pirates (listen up Oakland). For originality, colors, accurate representation, and a menacing look … the Bucs are second on my list.

The best looking uniform in the NFL is …

1: Chicago Bears

I’ll admit I’m biased because I’m a die hard Bears fan, but I’m not biased like Browns fans in that I’m not delusional enough to say my team’s uniforms are the best simply because they are my team. No, the Bears are universally acknowledged to have one of the best uniforms in the NFL, and even all of professional sports. Most lists have the Bears in the top 3. So it isn’t a stretch at all to put them at number one.

Bear blue is not only original, but it is timeless as well. The Bears have found a way to maintain their traditional look throughout the decades while still keeping the team looking fresh and new. If only the Colts would pay attention to this process. The Bears’ uniform has changed little over the years, but they have been great at “tweaking” their timeless look to keep up with modern style. This talent has kept the Bears’ uniforms one of most liked by football fans for decades. I would like to see the Bears branch out a little in an alternate design, but I never want them to get rid of their classic look. It isn’t just these great points that make the Bears’ uniforms my favorite, but the fact that they honor “Papa Bear” himself George Stanley Halas on their sleeves by imprinting GSH. Now that is classy.

Posted in General | 23 Comments »

Cornell University Claims Whites Are Genetically Weaker Than Blacks

Posted by Casey on February 23, 2008

Since Blogger is sucking right now, and not allowing anyone to upload new layouts while simultaneously refusing to provide technical support on the matter, I haven’t been blogging much the past couple of days.

I thoroughly expected the blogosphere to pick up on this story, but I guess they’ve been too focussed on Obama’s fabrications, and Chelsea Clinton. Shockingly enough, the story isn’t even a most read on Fox News’ website. Why? I don’t know, but I am remedying the situation now.

Cornell University has released a controversial study that will accomplish literally nothing more than sowing more discontent among the races, and serve as yet another recruiting tool for white supremacist groups. So let’s all pat Cornell on the back, and bask in the racially charged anti-glory that is their latest contribution to useless science.

Fox News:

White Americans are both genetically weaker and less diverse than their black compatriots, a Cornell University-led study finds.

Analyzing the genetic makeup of 20 Americans of European ancestry and 15 African-Americans, researchers found that the former showed much less variation among 10,000 tested genes than did the latter, which was expected.

They also found that Europeans had many more possibly harmful mutations than did African, which was a surprise.

I know I’m supposed to conduct myself as an adult, but … WTF!

This is the worst case study I’ve ever seen. First, the test group is only 35 people. Second, there is not an even number of subjects for each race. Essentially we’ve just learned that, at best, Cornell has no idea how to conduct an accurate, ethical study. All they’ve done is embarrassed themselves by releasing these results, and attaching their name to the findings. Which brings up the question: Why did they conduct such a study in the first place?

Apparently the goal of these ongoing studies is to find out where the ancestors of global populations came from, and when they migrated to that area. There have also been other larger studies involving other races. I am again left wondering why Cornell’s latest endeavor has such a small sample group when the other studies involved hundreds of subjects.

I doubt Cornell’s goal was to inflame anyone, but the content of the study is being used to claim racism. If you need proof … do a search of this topic and read the comments on the few blogs and forums that have addressed it. Some of the findings are pretty inflammatory towards whites, and other findings are not anything new … thereby rendering this study utterly useless. I’m pretty sure Nicholas Wade covered a lot of the migratory issues in his book “Before the Dawn”.

Here’s the part where the study outlines the genetic inferiority of European cultures (i.e. whites):

But the Cornell study, published in the journal Nature Thursday, indicates that Europeans went through a second “population bottleneck,” probably about 30,000 years ago, when the ancestral population was again reduced to relatively few in number.

The doubly diluted genetic diversity has allowed “bad” mutations to build up in the European population, something that the more genetically varied African population has had more success in weeding out.

So what exactly are these “bad” mutations? What would be a genetic imperfection in a perfectly healthy person with no ailments? Also, how do we know what perfect genetics are in order to map imperfections? What if those imperfections are actually evolution? If man indeed migrated to Europe from Africa they would have had to mutate in order to adapt. In other words … they evolved in order to better survive. Since when is evolving a genetic imperfection?

Cornell also neglected to take into account any interracial mating that may have happened in the history of the subject’s genetic code. I would assume that if two different races mated 200 years ago, it would affect the current subject’s genetic makeup. Perhaps in the form of one of these “imperfections.”

With all the discrepancies aside … we have a study by a university that is saying black people are genetically superior , and more diverse, than white people … and it got published. That’s where you are seeing a very logical complaint from white people about this study. Do you honestly think that this study would have seen the light of day if Cornell’s findings showed that white people were genetically superior to blacks? Would Cornell have attached their name to the study if this were the case? It’s highly doubtful, and most likely would have led to someone getting fired.

Perhaps you are thinking that I’m just race baiting here, but I have proof that any published study that shows whites are genetically superior to blacks is quickly criticized with charges of racism. Do you remember the story of James Watson, a Nobel Prize winning scientist for his part in the unravelling of DNA, and who once ran one of America’s leading scientific research institutions, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. He was criticized roundly for saying that Africans were not as smart as westerners.

Dr Watson told The Sunday Times that he was “inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa” because “all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours – whereas all the testing says not really”. He said there was a natural desire that all human beings should be equal but “people who have to deal with black employees find this not true”.

For those of you who remember the story you will recall the constant mini-quotes about what Dr. Watson said, and calls of racism he endured. Dr. Watson had several speaking engagements canceled, he was criticized by his own institutions, suspended from his job, and ultimately was forced to resign his post as a result of the media firestorm about his findings on genetic studies. Keep in mind that this guy is probably the world’s foremost expert on DNA.

Unfortunately the MSM didn’t publish Dr. Watson’s other statements that are pretty pertinent to the issue. He was quoted as saying that he had “hope” that “everyone is equal.” Watson also stated that “there are many people of color who are very talented”, but that never made it onto the news. The most important statement that Dr. Watson made in his writings is integral to what we are talking about with Cornell University.

“There is no firm reason to anticipate that the intellectual capacities of peoples geographically separated in their evolution should prove to have evolved identically. Our wanting to reserve equal powers of reason as some universal heritage of humanity will not be enough to make it so.”

In other words … people who evolved in different geographical areas from one another did not evolve in an equal intellectual capacity.

Sound familiar?

Cornell University’s study says the exact same thing as Dr. Watson’s work suggested. There are only two differences between the two findings. One is that one of the studies illustrated the difference in physical genetics throughout man’s evolution. While the other illustrates the intellectual evolution of man. The second difference is that the study showing blacks as superior has not been met with negative publicity in the mainstream. The one that showed whites as superior did.

Both studies outlined the theory that once man left Africa, and began its great migration to other parts of the world, humans became isolated from one another geographically. Thus, as a result of that isolation, humans evolved quite differently from one another … both physically and mentally. Cornell gives the edge physically to blacks, but Dr. Watson gives the edge mentally to whites. Now that’s fair and balanced scientific research. Why the same study with similar findings cost one man his job and reputation, but the other has been met with no negativity just illustrates what an ignorant, hypocritical, PC society we live in.

Posted in Censorship, Education, Hate, Media, Racism, Truth | 3 Comments »

Cornell University Claims Whites Are Genetically Weaker Than Blacks

Posted by Casey on February 23, 2008

Since Blogger is sucking right now, and not allowing anyone to upload new layouts while simultaneously refusing to provide technical support on the matter, I haven’t been blogging much the past couple of days.

I thoroughly expected the blogosphere to pick up on this story, but I guess they’ve been too focussed on Obama’s fabrications, and Chelsea Clinton. Shockingly enough, the story isn’t even a most read on Fox News’ website. Why? I don’t know, but I am remedying the situation now.

Cornell University has released a controversial study that will accomplish literally nothing more than sowing more discontent among the races, and serve as yet another recruiting tool for white supremacist groups. So let’s all pat Cornell on the back, and bask in the racially charged anti-glory that is their latest contribution to useless science.

Fox News:

White Americans are both genetically weaker and less diverse than their black compatriots, a Cornell University-led study finds.

Analyzing the genetic makeup of 20 Americans of European ancestry and 15 African-Americans, researchers found that the former showed much less variation among 10,000 tested genes than did the latter, which was expected.

They also found that Europeans had many more possibly harmful mutations than did African, which was a surprise.

I know I’m supposed to conduct myself as an adult, but … WTF!

This is the worst case study I’ve ever seen. First, the test group is only 35 people. Second, there is not an even number of subjects for each race. Essentially we’ve just learned that, at best, Cornell has no idea how to conduct an accurate, ethical study. All they’ve done is embarrassed themselves by releasing these results, and attaching their name to the findings. Which brings up the question: Why did they conduct such a study in the first place?

Apparently the goal of these ongoing studies is to find out where the ancestors of global populations came from, and when they migrated to that area. There have also been other larger studies involving other races. I am again left wondering why Cornell’s latest endeavor has such a small sample group when the other studies involved hundreds of subjects.

I doubt Cornell’s goal was to inflame anyone, but the content of the study is being used to claim racism. If you need proof … do a search of this topic and read the comments on the few blogs and forums that have addressed it. Some of the findings are pretty inflammatory towards whites, and other findings are not anything new … thereby rendering this study utterly useless. I’m pretty sure Nicholas Wade covered a lot of the migratory issues in his book “Before the Dawn”.

Here’s the part where the study outlines the genetic inferiority of European cultures (i.e. whites):

But the Cornell study, published in the journal Nature Thursday, indicates that Europeans went through a second “population bottleneck,” probably about 30,000 years ago, when the ancestral population was again reduced to relatively few in number.

The doubly diluted genetic diversity has allowed “bad” mutations to build up in the European population, something that the more genetically varied African population has had more success in weeding out.

So what exactly are these “bad” mutations? What would be a genetic imperfection in a perfectly healthy person with no ailments? Also, how do we know what perfect genetics are in order to map imperfections? What if those imperfections are actually evolution? If man indeed migrated to Europe from Africa they would have had to mutate in order to adapt. In other words … they evolved in order to better survive. Since when is evolving a genetic imperfection?

Cornell also neglected to take into account any interracial mating that may have happened in the history of the subject’s genetic code. I would assume that if two different races mated 200 years ago, it would affect the current subject’s genetic makeup. Perhaps in the form of one of these “imperfections.”

With all the discrepancies aside … we have a study by a university that is saying black people are genetically superior , and more diverse, than white people … and it got published. That’s where you are seeing a very logical complaint from white people about this study. Do you honestly think that this study would have seen the light of day if Cornell’s findings showed that white people were genetically superior to blacks? Would Cornell have attached their name to the study if this were the case? It’s highly doubtful, and most likely would have led to someone getting fired.

Perhaps you are thinking that I’m just race baiting here, but I have proof that any published study that shows whites are genetically superior to blacks is quickly criticized with charges of racism. Do you remember the story of James Watson, a Nobel Prize winning scientist for his part in the unravelling of DNA, and who once ran one of America’s leading scientific research institutions, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. He was criticized roundly for saying that Africans were not as smart as westerners.

Dr Watson told The Sunday Times that he was “inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa” because “all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours ? whereas all the testing says not really”. He said there was a natural desire that all human beings should be equal but “people who have to deal with black employees find this not true”.

For those of you who remember the story you will recall the constant mini-quotes about what Dr. Watson said, and calls of racism he endured. Dr. Watson had several speaking engagements canceled, he was criticized by his own institutions, suspended from his job, and ultimately was forced to resign his post as a result of the media firestorm about his findings on genetic studies. Keep in mind that this guy is probably the world’s foremost expert on DNA.

Unfortunately the MSM didn’t publish Dr. Watson’s other statements that are pretty pertinent to the issue. He was quoted as saying that he had “hope” that “everyone is equal.” Watson also stated that “there are many people of color who are very talented”, but that never made it onto the news. The most important statement that Dr. Watson made in his writings is integral to what we are talking about with Cornell University.

“There is no firm reason to anticipate that the intellectual capacities of peoples geographically separated in their evolution should prove to have evolved identically. Our wanting to reserve equal powers of reason as some universal heritage of humanity will not be enough to make it so.”

In other words … people who evolved in different geographical areas from one another did not evolve in an equal intellectual capacity.

Sound familiar?

Cornell University’s study says the exact same thing as Dr. Watson’s work suggested. There are only two differences between the two findings. One is that one of the studies illustrated the difference in physical genetics throughout man’s evolution. While the other illustrates the intellectual evolution of man. The second difference is that the study showing blacks as superior has not been met with negative publicity in the mainstream. The one that showed whites as superior did.

Both studies outlined the theory that once man left Africa, and began its great migration to other par
ts of the world, humans became isolated from one another geographically. Thus, as a result of that isolation, humans evolved quite differently from one another … both physically and mentally. Cornell gives the edge physically to blacks, but Dr. Watson gives the edge mentally to whites. Now that’s fair and balanced scientific research. Why the same study with similar findings cost one man his job and reputation, but the other has been met with no negativity just illustrates what an ignorant, hypocritical, PC society we live in.

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Blog Under Construction

Posted by Casey on February 21, 2008

The site will still be working, but the sidebar will be a little jacked up until Blogger fixes its uploader. It took a crap on me as I was in the middle of changing the template.

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Success! US Missile Nails Satellite

Posted by Casey on February 21, 2008

Let the rest of the world tremble at our power!


A Navy missile soaring 130 miles above the Pacific smashed a dying and potentially deadly U.S. spy satellite Wednesday and probably destroyed a tank carrying 1,000 pounds of toxic fuel, officials said.

Officials had expressed cautious optimism that the missile would hit the satellite, which was the size of a school bus. But they were less certain of hitting the smaller, more problematic fuel tank, whose contents posed what Bush administration officials deemed a potential health hazard to humans if it landed intact.

In a statement announcing that the Navy missile struck the satellite, the Pentagon said, “Confirmation that the fuel tank has been fragmented should be available within 24 hours.” It made no mention of early indications, but a defense official close to the situation said later that officials monitoring the collision saw what appeared to be an explosion, indicating that the fuel tank was hit.

They are saying that the rest of the satellite should burn up upon reentry. There are a lot of America’s enemies freaking out right about now.

Posted in Cool, Military | Comments Off on Success! US Missile Nails Satellite

Success! US Missile Nails Satellite

Posted by Casey on February 21, 2008

Let the rest of the world tremble at our power!


A Navy missile soaring 130 miles above the Pacific smashed a dying and potentially deadly U.S. spy satellite Wednesday and probably destroyed a tank carrying 1,000 pounds of toxic fuel, officials said.

Officials had expressed cautious optimism that the missile would hit the satellite, which was the size of a school bus. But they were less certain of hitting the smaller, more problematic fuel tank, whose contents posed what Bush administration officials deemed a potential health hazard to humans if it landed intact.

In a statement announcing that the Navy missile struck the satellite, the Pentagon said, “Confirmation that the fuel tank has been fragmented should be available within 24 hours.” It made no mention of early indications, but a defense official close to the situation said later that officials monitoring the collision saw what appeared to be an explosion, indicating that the fuel tank was hit.

They are saying that the rest of the satellite should burn up upon reentry. There are a lot of America’s enemies freaking out right about now.

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