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Archive for the ‘Health care’ Category

Council Of Europe Will Investigate “Faked” Swine Flu Pandemic

Posted by Casey on January 21, 2010

Day 39/365 "H1N1"

Image by Michael Desmarais via Flickr

I have been saying for a very long time that the bird flu, and more recently, swine flu pandemics were falsified in order to get new laws, money, and power in place.  As a result, thousands of innocent victims were given experimental vaccines that ended up having harmful side effects.

There have only been a few, who aren’t registered members of conspiracy kooks quarterly, that have shared my thoughts on this matter.

Much like all the evidence proves man-made global warming is a fraud, all the evidence clearly points to an orchestrated effort to instill panic on the swine flu.  The CDC even inadvertently admitted that they were fudging numbers, and fear-mongering on swine flu.

Now, finally, an major international organization is going to investigate this fraud upon the world’s citizens.  The Council of Europe will investigate the “faked pandemic” to get to the bottom of this farce.  To learn more about the Council of Europe … go here.  They are basically a local European United Nations, and they are legit.

In order to promote their patented drugs and vaccines against flu, pharmaceutical companies influenced scientists and official agencies, responsible for public health standards to alarm governments worldwide and make them squander tight health resources for inefficient vaccine strategies and needlessly expose millions of healthy people to the risk of an unknown amount of side-effects of insufficiently tested vaccines.
The “birds-flu”-campaign (2005/06) combined with the “swine-flu”-campaign seem to have caused a great deal of damage not only to some vaccinated patients and to public health-budgets, but to the credibility and accountability of important international health-agencies.

The Council of Europe and its member-states should ask for immediate investigations and consequences on their national levels as well as on the international level.

The definition of an alarming pandemic must not be under the influence of drug-sellers.

Was the drug industry partly responsible for this farce?  Yes, but there is a great point being missed here.  So were the governments who took part.  They weren’t scammed or tricked.  They help orchestrate this whole pandemic in order to pass new laws that bi-passed current law in order to maintain ‘public safety.’

Here’s a couple examples if you don’t believe me:

I’d like to take this moment to reflect on the health care debate.  If the drug companies are the enemy, and we need the federal government to keep them in check, then why is a prominent international council of nations investigating the influence of those same drug companies upon those same governments?  It seems the government is more, not less, susceptible to the influence of big pharma than the private sector.

When in April 2009 some hundred normal influenza cases in Mexico City were rashly announced to be the beginning of a threatening new pandemic, there was little scientific evidence for this judgement. Nevertheless a large and immediate word-wide agenda setting process started and was eagerly spread by alarmist media and formally legitimized by pandemic-defining WHO, the agency, which is our global epidemiological watchdog and task-force.

Nevertheless we have to observe, that a faked “swine-flu”- pandemic is still used for marketing risky vaccines.

The victims among millions of needlessly vaccinated people must be protected by their states and independent scientific clarification should provide evidence and transparency for national and -if necessary- European courts.

After we discovered that seasonal flu was far more deadly than swine flu in the US, this screams of a blatant fraud upon the people.  Go get ‘em on this.

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Posted in Conspiracy, Corruption, Government, Great Discovery, Hard-Hitting Journalism, Health care, Human Rights, International, Media, Medical, MSM Lies, Politics, Science, Truth | Tagged: , , , , , , | 2 Comments »

GOP’s Brown wins Mass. Senate seat in epic upset

Posted by Casey on January 19, 2010

The Senate's side of the Capitol Building in DC.
Image via Wikipedia

GOP’s Brown wins Mass. Senate seat in epic upset – Yahoo! News.

For the first time since 1972, a Republican will be senator in that state.

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Blatant Disregard For US Constitution & Your Liberty Advances In Senate

Posted by Casey on December 21, 2009

WASHINGTON - OCTOBER 26:  Senate Majority Lead...
Image by Getty Images via Daylife

The US Senate has advanced the health care bill as expected.  All it took was corruption and bribery to get the votes.  And to think, a few of you out there actually thought your rights weren’t for sale.


The Democratic Party’s decades-long push to remake the U.S. health care system cleared a major hurdle early Monday morning, with the Senate voting to advance a massive $871 billion bill to extend coverage to nearly all Americans and tighten regulations on private insurers.

Less than two days after releasing a bill with 383 pages of changes, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) corralled his politically diverse caucus and delivered the 60 votes necessary for the most crucial test vote in the legislative process so far — effectively assuring the reform package will clear the Senate later this week.

The final tally was a straight party-line vote, 60-40. All Democrats and two independents voted yes and all Republicans voted no – and each side bitterly accused the other of trying to thwart true reform through petty gamesmanship.

DC is still looking for one Democrat who’s actually read the bill.

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Posted in Communism, Conspiracy, Constitution, Democrats, Government, Harry Reid, Health care, Medical, Politics | Tagged: , , | Comments Off on Blatant Disregard For US Constitution & Your Liberty Advances In Senate

CDC Admits Fear Mongering On Swine Flu To Scare You

Posted by Casey on November 11, 2009

Inadvertently of course, but they still did it.

Yahoo! News:

4,000 or more Americans likely have died from swine flu — about four times the estimate they’ve been using.

The new, higher figure was first reported by The New York Times. It includes deaths caused by complications related to swine flu, including pneumonia and bacterial infections.

Holy sh*t! 4x more than they thought!? We’re all going to die!

Wait. Let’s calm down and relax. Allow some logic to seep in.

The CDC is stating that 4,000 Americans are dead because of swine flu. That’s an attention grabbing headline. Follow that up with the CDC saying that is 4x more than they were estimating, and you have a panic formula in full effect. Most people reading that will be scared into running out, and finding the closest H1N1 vaccine so they don’t die.

But what does 4,000 deaths mean? Is it really a lot of people given the circumstances? In a nutshell … HELL NO!

While the CDC attempts to institute widespread panic about a mere 4,000 deaths, in April CNN reported that the seasonal flu had already killed … get this … 13,000.

Since January, more than 13,000 people have died of complications from seasonal flu, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s weekly report on the causes of death in the nation.

No fewer than 800 flu-related deaths were reported in any week between January 1 and April 18, the most recent week for which figures were available.

Yep, from January 2009 to April 2009 the regular run-of-the-mill flu killed more than 3x the number of people as swine flu has all year. I haven’t even added the number who’ve died since April (I don’t know).

According to the same CDC trying to scare you in regards to H1N1, that 13,000 was not even on pace to equal the average number of people to die every year from the regular flu. That number is less than normal. So how many people die on average from the regular flu in the US? That would be 36,000 people. Swine flu is not even close to approaching that number.

Thanks CDC for the fear mongering that we’ve come to depend on from you, and for collectively stepping in your own filth to expose this fraud.

Posted in Conspiracy, Government, Great Discovery, Health care, Idiots, Medical, Truth | 2 Comments »

New Democrat Congressman Lied To Get Elected, Violates 4 Campaign Promises

Posted by Casey on November 6, 2009

Further proof that the Republicans who were ok with nominating someone with this guy’s views, and then were ok with that candidate dropping out to endorse this guy, need to be removed.

Bill Owens won the recent election in NY by lying to his constituents, and saying he would not support Pelosicare. It took just one hour to break four of his promises.

The Democrats have sunk to a new low. It took months for the country to finally realize that Democrats weren’t going to fulfill any of their platform promises when they took over Congress beyond minimum wage. However, Owens has raised the bar by admitting he lied just an hour after being sworn in.

Ace of Spades HQ

Owens indicated in a press release that he was now in favor of the bill in direct contrast to his earlier position during his campaign.

During his campaign for Congress, Mr. Owens assured voters that he felt the public option had no place in the health care reform bill. Contrary to that position, Mr. Owens now indicates that he intends to vote in favor of the bill even though it now contains a public option.

via New Democrat Congressman Lied To Get Elected, Violates 4 Campaign Promises.

Posted in Conspiracy, Constitution, Democrats, Election, Government, Health care, Idiots, Outrage, Politics, Truth | Comments Off on New Democrat Congressman Lied To Get Elected, Violates 4 Campaign Promises

Dem Health Care Bills Protect Insurance Companies From Lawsuits Related To Death. I Thought The Dems Wanted To Get Insurance Companies.

Posted by Casey on November 6, 2009

I know we are used to our politicians saying one thing then doing another, but where is the outrage from you libs on this?

Buried in the thousands of pages of the health care bills drafted by Democrats in the House and Senate is a provision to protect insurance companies from legal accountability for benefit decisions that cause injury or death to patients, Republicans warned on Wednesday.

“You can sue your doctor for malpractice if he makes a mistake practicing medicine, but you cannot sue your insurance company when it makes a medical decision,” Rep. John Shadegg (R-Ariz.) said at the press conference near the steps of the Capitol. “That’s just wrong.”

Posted in Communism, Conspiracy, Constitution, Democrats, Government, Health care, Hypocrisy, Medical | 1 Comment »

HPV Vaccine Harms 2000 Schoolgirls

Posted by Casey on September 14, 2009

If you don’t remember … the HPV vaccine was thoroughly rushed into production at lightning speed.  Many parents and doctors had great concerns about the vaccine because there was no long term studies done on it.  So world governments launched a counter-attack via taxpayer funded advertising to tell you that the vaccine was perfectly safe in spite of the lack of research (they left that part out).

It wasn’t long after the vaccine was released that we started seeing major health problems with it here in the United States.  Remember, we live in a country where people are usually complaining about NOT getting vaccines for several years while our government drags their knuckles in researching it. 

And some of you want even more government control? 

Every now and then though … the FDA rushes something through without so much as a sample group being studied.  Meanwhile, very promising drugs for Alzheimer’s, cancer, HIV, and Parkinson’s are studied for decades without being released.  In spite of showing a positive benefit.

There was, however, a ton of money to be made with the HPV vaccine.  You women are so gullible some times.  Now we are learning that thousands of school girls, who’s parents were misled, are suffering from ill-effects of the cervical cancer vaccine.

What migh we expect from the same exact scenario playing out now with the Swine Flu vaccine?  It too is being rushed into production without much research amid a false atmosphere of fear, and it too is killing people already.

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